Preliminary Task

This will be the task I do before the main task to enable me to deepen my understanding of magazines.  The preliminary task will consists of analysing and constructing a school magazine.  Below I have analysed four existing covers and contents pages of school magazines.


09/12/15 11:45

In my mock-up, I tried to include as many conventions of a school magazine as I could, including:

  • masthead
  • school logo
  • school colours
  • date, issue number
  • relevant images
  • coverlines
  • pug
  • rhetorical questions
All of which helped to me to shape, plan and create my school magazine mock-up cover and contents page whilst giving me a sound understanding of the codes and conventions needed to target my audience effectively. 

Magazine linguistic from WillSull

10 images from WillSull
This is a mock up for my school magazine cover it contains the name of the school which uses alliteration to make it more catchy and easy to remember. It contains a setting shot of part of the school to relate the magazine instantly to its themes and genres. It has strap line to show the titles of the different articles which are contains within the magazine. It has a pug to detail offers and freebies which will attract the audiences. The bottom strip will entail details such as websites and social media pages the the user can access to get more information on the topics entailed within the magazine. 


  1. Well done Willma, you could put the school logo on the magazine cover.

  2. Good job Will, you successfully did an analysis of the survey results and used it to design your magazine.
